By signing in, you understand and agree that electronic communication is not a substitute for in-person communication or clinical examinations with a doctor, where appropriate, or for attending the Emergency Department when needed (including for any urgent care that may be required).

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[ By signing in, you understand and agree to our Terms of Use ]

By signing in and using our platform, you give express consent to Spring Health Corp, Get Well Clinic, Get Well Rehab, Dr. Lai and Associates, to communicate with you via electronic communications for purposes including, but not limited to: general advice, specific coaching, receiving reminders, announcements, and promotions for features, products, services, or other allied-health providers relating to my healthcare. You understand that any communications through electronic communications, phone, fax, email, text, or video-conferencing has inherent security and privacy risks. You endeavor to engage in safe communication practices. You understand that Get Well Clinic cannot guarantee confidentiality when communicating with insecure methods (such as email). You hereby covenant and agree to release, indemnify, and save harmless Spring Health Corp, Get Well Clinic, Get Well Rehab, Associates and staff for any costs, losses, damages, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings and all legal and other costs of any action whatsoever, from what may occur as a result of communicating through electronic methods.